Peter Ralph
9 November – Advanced Biological Statistics
Suppose I have two trick coins:
But, I lost one and I don’t know which! So, I flip it 10 times and get 6 heads. Which is it, and how sure are you?
Er, probably coin (A)?
Well, \[\begin{aligned} \P\{ \text{6 H in 10 flips} \given \text{coin A} \} &= \binom{10}{6} (.75)^6 (.25)^4 \\ &= 0.146 \end{aligned}\] and \[\begin{aligned} \P\{ \text{6 H in 10 flips} \given \text{coin B} \} &= \binom{10}{6} (.25)^6 (.75)^4 \\ &= 0.016 \end{aligned}\] … so, probably coin (A)?
For a precise answer…
Before flipping, each coin seems equally likely. Then
\[\begin{aligned} \P\{ \text{coin A} \given \text{6 H in 10 flips} \} &= \frac{ \frac{1}{2} \times 0.146 }{ \frac{1}{2} \times 0.146 + \frac{1}{2} \times 0.016 } \\ &= 0.9 \end{aligned}\]
\[\begin{aligned} \P\{B \given A\} = \frac{\P\{B\} \P\{A \given B\}}{ \P\{A\} } , \end{aligned}\]
Suppose instead I had 9 coins, with probabilities 10%, 20%, …, 90%; as before I flipped one 10 times and got 6 heads. For each \(\theta\) in \(0.1, 0.2, \ldots, 0.8, 0.9,\) find \[\begin{aligned} \P\{\text{ coin has prob $\theta$ } \given \text{ 6 H in 10 flips } \} . \end{aligned}\]
Question: which coin(s) is it, and how sure are we? (And, what does it mean when we say how sure we are?)
Recall: there were nine possible values of \(\theta\).
Which coin is it, and how sure are you?
Possible types of answer:
Now suppose we want to estimate the probability of heads for a coin without knowing the possible values. (or, a disease incidence, or error rate in an experiment, …)
We flip it \(n\) times and get \(z\) Heads.
The likelihood of this, given the prob-of-heads \(\theta\), is: \[p(z \given \theta) = \binom{n}{z}\theta^z (1-\theta)^{n-z} . \]
How to weight the possible \(\theta\)? Need a flexible set of weighting functions, i.e., prior distributions on \([0,1]\).
What \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) would we use for a \(\Beta(\alpha, \beta)\) prior if:
the coin is probably close to fair.
the disease is probably quite rare.
no idea whatsoever.
If \[\begin{aligned} P &\sim \text{Beta}(a,b) \\ Z &\sim \text{Binom}(n,P) , \end{aligned}\]
then “miraculously”,
\[\begin{aligned} (P \given Z = z) \sim \text{Beta}(a+z, b+n-z) . \end{aligned}\]
We flip an odd-looking coin 100 times, and get 65 heads. What is it’s true* probability of heads?
What prior to use?
Plot the prior and the posterior.
Is it reasonable that \(\theta = 1/2\)?
Best guess at \(\theta\)?
How far off are we, probably?
Tools include: rbeta( )
# prior: theta could be anything,
# but a little less likely to be 0% or 100%
alpha <- 1.1
beta <- 1.1
prior_samples <- rbeta(1e6, shape1=alpha, shape2=beta)
hist(prior_samples, breaks=100)
# Plot the posterior
z <- 65
n <- 100
post_alpha <- alpha + z
post_beta <- beta + n - z
posterior_samples <- rbeta(1e6, shape1=post_alpha, shape2=post_beta)
hist(posterior_samples, breaks=100)
abline(v=0.5, col='red')
abline(v=post_alpha / (post_alpha + post_beta), col='blue')
It’s not totally improbable that theta is 0.5, but it doesn’t look likely.
Around 64%.
We’re off by around 5-10%, probably.
If we want a point estimate:
These all convey “where the posterior distribution is”, more or less.
What about uncertainty?
Definition: A 95% credible region is a portion of parameter space having a total of 95% of the posterior probability.
(same with other numbers for “95%”)
If we construct a 95% credible interval for \(\theta\) for each of many datasets; and the coin in each dataset has \(\theta\) drawn independently from the prior, then the true \(\theta\) will fall in its credible interval for 95% of the datasets.
If we construct a 95% credible interval for \(\theta\) with a dataset, and the distribution of the coin’s true \(\theta\) across many parallel universes is given by the prior, then the true \(\theta\) will be in the credible interval in 95% of those universes.
Given my prior beliefs (prior distribution), the posterior distribution is the most rational\({}^*\) way to update my beliefs to account for the data.
\({}^*\) if you do this many times you will be wrong least often
\({}^*\) or you will be wrong in the fewest possible universes
Definition: The “95% highest density interval” is the 95% credible interval with the highest posterior probability density at each point.
((back to the coins))