\[ %% % Add your macros here; they'll be included in pdf and html output. %% \newcommand{\R}{\mathbb{R}} % reals \newcommand{\E}{\mathbb{E}} % expectation \renewcommand{\P}{\mathbb{P}} % probability \DeclareMathOperator{\logit}{logit} \DeclareMathOperator{\logistic}{logistic} \DeclareMathOperator{\SE}{SE} \DeclareMathOperator{\sd}{sd} \DeclareMathOperator{\var}{var} \DeclareMathOperator{\cov}{cov} \DeclareMathOperator{\cor}{cor} \DeclareMathOperator{\Normal}{Normal} \DeclareMathOperator{\LogNormal}{logNormal} \DeclareMathOperator{\Poisson}{Poisson} \DeclareMathOperator{\Beta}{Beta} \DeclareMathOperator{\Binom}{Binomial} \DeclareMathOperator{\Gam}{Gamma} \DeclareMathOperator{\Exp}{Exponential} \DeclareMathOperator{\Cauchy}{Cauchy} \DeclareMathOperator{\Unif}{Unif} \DeclareMathOperator{\Dirichlet}{Dirichlet} \DeclareMathOperator{\Wishart}{Wishart} \DeclareMathOperator{\StudentsT}{StudentsT} \DeclareMathOperator{\Weibull}{Weibull} \newcommand{\given}{\;\vert\;} \]

Categorical data and crossvalidation

Peter Ralph

28 January 2020 – Advanced Biological Statistics

Gene ontology enrichment

Recall: the data

##              top                    term num_genes upregulated downregulated
## 1     cell death            neuron death      2405         122            70
## 2     cell death        oxidative stress       886          41            25
## 3     cell death                necrotic        32           2             0
## 4     cell death               apoptosis       898         468           123
## 5  cell motility    actin polymerization      1822         243           117
## 6  cell motility          sperm motility      1585         292           131
## 7  cell motility                   cilia       517          75            25
## 8  cell motility         axis elongation        62           9             5
## 9  ion transport         anion transport       128           2             5
## 10 ion transport        cation transport      1697          91            50
## 11 ion transport transmembrane transport        99           3             2

Are some categories of genes more likely to be differentially regulated than others? or, upregulated? downregulated?

First, look at the data

##              top                    term num_genes upregulated downregulated per_up per_down per_diff per_nodiff diff_enrich up_vs_down
## 1     cell death            neuron death      2405         122            70 0.0905   0.1266   0.1010     0.2520        0.40       0.71
## 2     cell death        oxidative stress       886          41            25 0.0304   0.0452   0.0347     0.0932        0.37       0.67
## 3     cell death                necrotic        32           2             0 0.0015   0.0000   0.0011     0.0032        0.33        Inf
## 4     cell death               apoptosis       898         468           123 0.3472   0.2224   0.3109     0.0592        5.25       1.56
## 5  cell motility    actin polymerization      1822         243           117 0.1803   0.2116   0.1894     0.1817        1.04       0.85
## 6  cell motility          sperm motility      1585         292           131 0.2166   0.2369   0.2225     0.1525        1.46       0.91
## 7  cell motility                   cilia       517          75            25 0.0556   0.0452   0.0526     0.0500        1.05       1.23
## 8  cell motility         axis elongation        62           9             5 0.0067   0.0090   0.0074     0.0062        1.19       0.74
## 9  ion transport         anion transport       128           2             5 0.0015   0.0090   0.0037     0.0140        0.26       0.16
## 10 ion transport        cation transport      1697          91            50 0.0675   0.0904   0.0742     0.1774        0.42       0.75
## 11 ion transport transmembrane transport        99           3             2 0.0022   0.0036   0.0026     0.0105        0.25       0.62

The poisson model


\[\begin{aligned} N_i &= (\text{number of no difference genes in category $i$}) \\ &\sim \Poisson(\exp(\lambda_i^N)) \\ U_i &= (\text{number of upregulated genes in category $i$}) \\ &\sim \Poisson(\exp(\lambda_i^U)) \\ D_i &= (\text{number of downregulated genes in category $i$}) \\ &\sim \Poisson(\exp(\lambda_i^D)) . \end{aligned}\]


\[\begin{aligned} \lambda_i^N &= \alpha_i \\ \lambda_i^U &= \alpha_i + \delta_U + \beta_1[\text{top}_i] + \beta_2[i] \\ \lambda_i^D &= \alpha_i + \delta_D + \beta_1[\text{top}_i] + \beta_2[i] + \gamma_i. \end{aligned}\]

Our Stan code: flat priors

## Warning: There were 231 divergent transitions after warmup. Increasing adapt_delta above 0.8 may help. See
## http://mc-stan.org/misc/warnings.html#divergent-transitions-after-warmup
## Warning: There were 3769 transitions after warmup that exceeded the maximum treedepth. Increase max_treedepth above 10. See
## http://mc-stan.org/misc/warnings.html#maximum-treedepth-exceeded
## Warning: Examine the pairs() plot to diagnose sampling problems
## Warning: The largest R-hat is 3.82, indicating chains have not mixed.
## Running the chains for more iterations may help. See
## http://mc-stan.org/misc/warnings.html#r-hat
## Warning: Bulk Effective Samples Size (ESS) is too low, indicating posterior means and medians may be unreliable.
## Running the chains for more iterations may help. See
## http://mc-stan.org/misc/warnings.html#bulk-ess
## Warning: Tail Effective Samples Size (ESS) is too low, indicating posterior variances and tail quantiles may be unreliable.
## Running the chains for more iterations may help. See
## http://mc-stan.org/misc/warnings.html#tail-ess
##              mean se_mean      sd    2.5%     25%     50%     75%     98% n_eff Rhat
## alpha[1]      7.7 2.2e-03   0.020     7.7     7.7     7.7     7.7     7.7  81.7  1.0
## alpha[2]      6.7 4.6e-03   0.033     6.6     6.7     6.7     6.7     6.8  50.0  1.1
## alpha[3]      3.4 2.6e-02   0.200     3.0     3.2     3.4     3.5     3.7  57.4  1.1
## alpha[4]      5.7 5.5e-03   0.053     5.6     5.7     5.7     5.8     5.8  90.9  1.0
## alpha[5]      7.3 3.1e-03   0.026     7.2     7.3     7.3     7.3     7.3  69.0  1.1
## alpha[6]      7.0 5.4e-03   0.033     7.0     7.0     7.1     7.1     7.1  37.1  1.1
## alpha[7]      6.0 7.4e-03   0.055     5.9     6.0     6.0     6.1     6.1  55.0  1.1
## alpha[8]      3.9 2.1e-02   0.148     3.6     3.8     3.9     4.0     4.2  48.8  1.1
## alpha[9]      4.8 1.1e-02   0.090     4.6     4.7     4.8     4.9     5.0  67.4  1.0
## alpha[10]     7.4 2.1e-03   0.022     7.3     7.3     7.4     7.4     7.4 108.6  1.0
## alpha[11]     4.5 1.4e-02   0.110     4.3     4.5     4.5     4.6     4.7  62.9  1.1
## delta[1]    124.9 1.4e+02 199.883  -137.9   -50.7    90.8   275.1   464.9   2.1  7.7
## delta[2]    164.0 1.2e+02 173.357  -121.7     2.0   164.6   297.6   448.1   2.1  6.0
## beta1[1]    -41.0 1.3e+02 201.879  -377.1  -208.9   -77.8   174.0   277.0   2.4  4.2
## beta1[2]    -94.0 7.2e+01 109.531  -250.0  -189.9  -109.0     5.6   108.5   2.3  3.7
## beta1[3]    -27.8 1.3e+02 213.203  -397.8  -172.0   -15.9   154.2   305.3   2.7  3.7
## beta2[1]    -86.8 1.6e+02 237.618  -473.6  -283.3   -98.6    80.9   304.2   2.1  6.4
## beta2[2]    -86.9 1.6e+02 237.619  -474.0  -283.5   -98.8    80.9   303.7   2.1  6.4
## beta2[3]    -86.8 1.6e+02 237.658  -474.1  -283.2   -98.5    79.3   304.2   2.1  6.4
## beta2[4]    -83.4 1.6e+02 237.627  -470.2  -279.9   -95.3    84.2   307.3   2.1  6.4
## beta2[5]    -32.6 9.0e+01 131.971  -291.3   -67.2   -16.9    19.2   194.9   2.1  5.8
## beta2[6]    -32.2 9.0e+01 131.973  -290.9   -66.7   -16.5    19.6   195.2   2.1  5.8
## beta2[7]    -32.5 9.0e+01 131.954  -291.2   -67.1   -16.9    19.3   194.9   2.1  5.8
## beta2[8]    -32.5 9.0e+01 131.987  -291.3   -67.0   -16.9    19.1   194.9   2.1  5.8
## beta2[9]   -101.4 3.4e+01 100.484  -239.4  -177.7  -113.3   -56.2   143.9   8.6  1.9
## beta2[10]   -99.9 3.4e+01 100.481  -237.8  -176.0  -111.9   -54.5   144.4   8.6  1.9
## beta2[11]  -100.7 3.4e+01 100.485  -238.2  -176.6  -112.6   -55.6   143.4   8.6  1.9
## gamma[1]    -39.7 3.8e+01  54.962  -160.0   -53.3   -24.1     7.8    16.7   2.1  4.6
## gamma[2]    -39.6 3.8e+01  54.963  -160.4   -53.1   -24.2     7.7    16.8   2.1  4.6
## gamma[3]   -421.3 9.6e+01 235.064  -818.7  -625.3  -428.2  -221.7   -16.7   6.0  1.4
## gamma[4]    -40.5 3.8e+01  54.964  -160.9   -54.2   -25.0     7.1    16.0   2.1  4.6
## gamma[5]    -39.9 3.8e+01  54.965  -160.3   -53.6   -24.2     7.6    16.6   2.1  4.6
## gamma[6]    -39.9 3.8e+01  54.962  -160.4   -53.7   -24.2     7.6    16.5   2.1  4.6
## gamma[7]    -40.3 3.8e+01  54.963  -160.7   -54.2   -24.4     7.1    16.2   2.1  4.6
## gamma[8]    -39.8 3.8e+01  54.957  -160.1   -53.4   -24.0     7.6    16.8   2.1  4.6
## gamma[9]    -38.1 3.8e+01  54.940  -158.8   -52.3   -22.5     8.8    18.7   2.1  4.5
## gamma[10]   -39.8 3.8e+01  54.964  -160.0   -53.3   -24.0     7.7    16.7   2.1  4.6
## gamma[11]   -39.6 3.8e+01  54.994  -160.2   -53.5   -23.8     7.3    17.3   2.1  4.6
## lp__      58087.8 2.0e-01   3.983 58079.1 58085.2 58088.1 58090.6 58094.8 391.9  1.0

Uh-oh!! Rhat values:

##  alpha[1]  alpha[2]  alpha[3]  alpha[4]  alpha[5]  alpha[6]  alpha[7]  alpha[8]  alpha[9] alpha[10] alpha[11]  delta[1]  delta[2]  beta1[1]  beta1[2]  beta1[3]  beta2[1]  beta2[2]  beta2[3]  beta2[4]  beta2[5] 
##       1.0       1.1       1.1       1.0       1.1       1.1       1.1       1.1       1.0       1.0       1.1       7.7       6.0       4.2       3.7       3.7       6.4       6.4       6.4       6.4       5.8 
##  beta2[6]  beta2[7]  beta2[8]  beta2[9] beta2[10] beta2[11]  gamma[1]  gamma[2]  gamma[3]  gamma[4]  gamma[5]  gamma[6]  gamma[7]  gamma[8]  gamma[9] gamma[10] gamma[11]      lp__ 
##       5.8       5.8       5.8       1.9       1.9       1.9       4.6       4.6       1.4       4.6       4.6       4.6       4.6       4.6       4.5       4.6       4.6       1.0

Traces, alpha

plot of chunk trace_alpha

Traces, gamma

plot of chunk trace_gamma


plot of chunk show_pairs

R interlude

Indexing with names is good!!

Number of ‘high’ values:

## [1] 11

Wait, let’s make more cutoffs:

## [1] 49

. . . whoops!

Wait, let’s add another level:

## [1] 11

BUT: A warning about factors

What is x[f[3]]?

## low 
##   1

Defensive programming

## Error in templater::render_template("Week_14_Lecture.Rmd", output = "Week_14_Lecture.md", : all(names(xf) == f) is not TRUE

The effect of priors

Same model, with priors

Fit, again

## Warning: Tail Effective Samples Size (ESS) is too low, indicating posterior variances and tail quantiles may be unreliable.
## Running the chains for more iterations may help. See
## http://mc-stan.org/misc/warnings.html#tail-ess
##               mean se_mean    sd     2.5%      25%      50%      75%      98% n_eff Rhat
## alpha[1]   7.7e+00 0.00027 0.021  7.7e+00  7.7e+00  7.7e+00  7.7e+00     7.74  5949    1
## alpha[2]   6.7e+00 0.00047 0.034  6.6e+00  6.7e+00  6.7e+00  6.7e+00     6.77  5339    1
## alpha[3]   3.4e+00 0.00278 0.182  3.0e+00  3.3e+00  3.4e+00  3.5e+00     3.71  4288    1
## alpha[4]   5.7e+00 0.00080 0.057  5.6e+00  5.7e+00  5.7e+00  5.8e+00     5.83  5044    1
## alpha[5]   7.3e+00 0.00037 0.027  7.2e+00  7.3e+00  7.3e+00  7.3e+00     7.34  5268    1
## alpha[6]   7.1e+00 0.00045 0.029  7.0e+00  7.0e+00  7.1e+00  7.1e+00     7.12  4138    1
## alpha[7]   6.0e+00 0.00071 0.048  5.9e+00  6.0e+00  6.0e+00  6.1e+00     6.12  4513    1
## alpha[8]   3.9e+00 0.00208 0.135  3.6e+00  3.8e+00  3.9e+00  4.0e+00     4.13  4219    1
## alpha[9]   4.8e+00 0.00133 0.090  4.6e+00  4.7e+00  4.8e+00  4.8e+00     4.95  4651    1
## alpha[10]  7.4e+00 0.00038 0.026  7.3e+00  7.3e+00  7.4e+00  7.4e+00     7.40  4626    1
## alpha[11]  4.5e+00 0.00150 0.103  4.3e+00  4.4e+00  4.5e+00  4.6e+00     4.71  4777    1
## delta[1]  -2.8e+00 0.01876 0.271 -3.2e+00 -3.0e+00 -2.9e+00 -2.8e+00    -1.87   209    1
## delta[2]  -3.5e+00 0.01861 0.282 -3.9e+00 -3.7e+00 -3.6e+00 -3.5e+00    -2.59   230    1
## beta1[1]  -7.4e-02 0.01829 0.262 -1.0e+00 -1.1e-01 -1.8e-02  4.8e-02     0.25   205    1
## beta1[2]   1.1e+00 0.01900 0.304  9.8e-02  9.8e-01  1.1e+00  1.3e+00     1.55   257    1
## beta1[3]  -9.6e-02 0.01894 0.269 -1.0e+00 -1.3e-01 -3.3e-02  3.7e-02     0.21   202    1
## beta2[1]   1.0e-02 0.00245 0.116 -2.3e-01 -5.2e-02  9.3e-03  7.3e-02     0.24  2225    1
## beta2[2]  -3.2e-02 0.00238 0.120 -3.0e-01 -9.1e-02 -2.2e-02  3.9e-02     0.19  2533    1
## beta2[3]  -3.4e-02 0.00598 0.247 -6.4e-01 -1.0e-01 -1.0e-02  7.1e-02     0.41  1710    1
## beta2[4]   3.3e+00 0.00295 0.137  3.0e+00  3.2e+00  3.3e+00  3.4e+00     3.57  2139    1
## beta2[5]  -6.1e-02 0.00301 0.123 -3.5e-01 -1.3e-01 -4.4e-02  1.7e-02     0.15  1662    1
## beta2[6]   3.1e-01 0.00346 0.144  3.1e-03  2.2e-01  3.1e-01  4.0e-01     0.58  1730    1
## beta2[7]  -3.5e-02 0.00275 0.121 -3.3e-01 -9.4e-02 -2.4e-02  3.6e-02     0.19  1945    1
## beta2[8]   1.7e-02 0.00325 0.160 -3.1e-01 -5.9e-02  1.3e-02  8.7e-02     0.38  2423    1
## beta2[9]  -1.0e-01 0.00536 0.228 -6.9e-01 -1.7e-01 -5.3e-02  2.2e-02     0.21  1809    1
## beta2[10]  6.5e-02 0.00361 0.146 -1.6e-01 -2.0e-02  4.3e-02  1.2e-01     0.44  1631    1
## beta2[11] -9.2e-02 0.00630 0.228 -7.1e-01 -1.5e-01 -4.0e-02  3.3e-02     0.22  1309    1
## gamma[1]   8.5e-02 0.00222 0.125 -1.2e-01  2.5e-03  6.7e-02  1.6e-01     0.37  3199    1
## gamma[2]   5.6e-02 0.00258 0.145 -1.9e-01 -3.0e-02  3.8e-02  1.3e-01     0.40  3138    1
## gamma[3]  -2.3e-01 0.04488 0.873 -2.9e+00 -1.7e-01 -3.3e-02  6.1e-02     0.45   378    1
## gamma[4]  -5.7e-01 0.00236 0.139 -8.5e-01 -6.7e-01 -5.7e-01 -4.8e-01    -0.30  3466    1
## gamma[5]  -9.5e-03 0.00159 0.095 -2.0e-01 -6.2e-02 -7.7e-03  4.6e-02     0.18  3525    1
## gamma[6]  -3.1e-02 0.00168 0.098 -2.5e-01 -8.5e-02 -2.6e-02  2.9e-02     0.15  3396    1
## gamma[7]  -1.6e-01 0.00404 0.195 -6.5e-01 -2.6e-01 -1.1e-01 -3.0e-02     0.11  2321    1
## gamma[8]   1.7e-02 0.00530 0.208 -3.4e-01 -6.5e-02  8.9e-03  9.3e-02     0.46  1538    1
## gamma[9]   1.0e-01 0.00651 0.262 -2.7e-01 -3.8e-02  4.3e-02  1.8e-01     0.80  1617    1
## gamma[10]  6.6e-02 0.00238 0.128 -1.5e-01 -1.5e-02  4.9e-02  1.3e-01     0.37  2904    1
## gamma[11] -3.0e-02 0.00550 0.251 -6.6e-01 -9.8e-02 -6.9e-03  7.4e-02     0.42  2075    1
## lp__       5.8e+04 0.20568 5.730  5.8e+04  5.8e+04  5.8e+04  5.8e+04 58054.32   776    1

stan_trace(), alpha

plot of chunk trace_alpha2

stan_trace(), gamma

plot of chunk trace_gamma2


plot of chunk show_pairs2

Parameter estimates: main effects

plot of chunk show_params1

Parameter estimates: differential regulation

plot of chunk show_params2

Parameter estimates: down- versus upregulation

plot of chunk show_params3

in-class: conclusions

In conclusion, we used Stan fit a Poisson model in which the cell means are given by the equation above. (say Bayesian somehow) The priors on each parameter are specified above. Standard methods were used for assessing convergence of the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm. Most genes are not differentially regulated: in the data, X percent were; our model fit a 95% credible interval of A to B for this effect. However, apoptosis and cell motility genes are strongly differentially regulated, showing relative enrichments of about 25-fold and 3.3-fold, respectively, over “not differentiated”. (TODO: get the actual numbers, as exp(beta)) 95% credible intervals for these two effects ranged from X to Y. (look those up) TODO: up vs down for apoptosis; sperm motility; Remaining effects were not statistically signficant.


A common workflow

It’s often important to consider more than one model, e.g.:

  • different explanatory variables
  • simple/complex
  • different response distributions
  • different priors

The problem is that then there’s more than one answer.

How do we compare models?

Variable selection

Example data

from Efron, Hastie, Johnstone, & Tibshirani
from Efron, Hastie, Johnstone, & Tibshirani
diabetes                 package:lars                  R Documentation

Blood and other measurements in diabetics


     The ‘diabetes’ data frame has 442 rows and 3 columns. These are
     the data used in the Efron et al "Least Angle Regression" paper.


     This data frame contains the following columns:

     x a matrix with 10 columns

     y a numeric vector

     x2 a matrix with 64 columns

The dataset has

  • 442 diabetes patients
  • 10 main variables: age, gender, body mass index, average blood pressure (map), and six blood serum measurements (tc, ldl, hdl, tch, ltg, glu)
  • 45 interactions, e.g. age:ldl
  • 9 quadratic effects, e.g. age^2
  • measure of disease progression taken one year later: y

plot of chunk show_cors

##        age    sex    bmi   map    tc   ldl    hdl   tch   ltg   glu      y
## age  1.000  0.174  0.185  0.34 0.260  0.22 -0.075  0.20  0.27  0.30  0.188
## sex  0.174  1.000  0.088  0.24 0.035  0.14 -0.379  0.33  0.15  0.21  0.043
## bmi  0.185  0.088  1.000  0.40 0.250  0.26 -0.367  0.41  0.45  0.39  0.586
## map  0.335  0.241  0.395  1.00 0.242  0.19 -0.179  0.26  0.39  0.39  0.441
## tc   0.260  0.035  0.250  0.24 1.000  0.90  0.052  0.54  0.52  0.33  0.212
## ldl  0.219  0.143  0.261  0.19 0.897  1.00 -0.196  0.66  0.32  0.29  0.174
## hdl -0.075 -0.379 -0.367 -0.18 0.052 -0.20  1.000 -0.74 -0.40 -0.27 -0.395
## tch  0.204  0.332  0.414  0.26 0.542  0.66 -0.738  1.00  0.62  0.42  0.430
## ltg  0.271  0.150  0.446  0.39 0.516  0.32 -0.399  0.62  1.00  0.46  0.566
## glu  0.302  0.208  0.389  0.39 0.326  0.29 -0.274  0.42  0.46  1.00  0.382
## y    0.188  0.043  0.586  0.44 0.212  0.17 -0.395  0.43  0.57  0.38  1.000

Crossvalidation plan

  1. Put aside 20% of the data for testing.

  2. Refit the model.

  3. Predict the test data; compute \[\begin{aligned} S = \sqrt{\frac{1}{M} \sum_{k=1}^M (\hat y_i - y_i)^2} \end{aligned}\]

  1. Repeat for the other four 20%s.

  2. Compare.


First let’s split the data into testing and training just once:

Ordinary linear regression

## Call:
## lm(formula = y ~ ., data = training_d)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -163.74  -33.70   -1.85   30.24  152.54 
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)   151.83       2.93   51.78  < 2e-16 ***
## age            19.14      75.84    0.25    0.801    
## sex          -300.90      74.65   -4.03  7.1e-05 ***
## bmi           467.76      99.04    4.72  3.6e-06 ***
## map           374.50      82.79    4.52  8.8e-06 ***
## tc           1140.35   62451.29    0.02    0.985    
## ldl         -1159.25   54887.17   -0.02    0.983    
## hdl          -684.36   23339.30   -0.03    0.977    
## tch           107.96     312.77    0.35    0.730    
## ltg           250.42   20532.47    0.01    0.990    
## glu            81.55      79.01    1.03    0.303    
## `age^2`        62.94      79.26    0.79    0.428    
## `bmi^2`        91.92      92.32    1.00    0.320    
## `map^2`        33.49      80.15    0.42    0.676    
## `tc^2`       4185.94    7981.86    0.52    0.600    
## `ldl^2`      2116.00    5777.25    0.37    0.714    
## `hdl^2`       625.77    2029.38    0.31    0.758    
## `tch^2`       269.08     757.96    0.36    0.723    
## `ltg^2`      1154.33    1820.83    0.63    0.527    
## `glu^2`       114.75     110.58    1.04    0.300    
## `age:sex`     183.24      85.76    2.14    0.033 *  
## `age:bmi`      24.01      94.21    0.25    0.799    
## `age:map`     -71.22      90.13   -0.79    0.430    
## `age:tc`       -2.27     693.38    0.00    0.997    
## `age:ldl`     -92.78     556.41   -0.17    0.868    
## `age:hdl`     126.90     316.47    0.40    0.689    
## `age:tch`      96.27     242.67    0.40    0.692    
## `age:ltg`      17.73     258.97    0.07    0.945    
## `age:glu`      52.22      96.96    0.54    0.591    
## `sex:bmi`      99.22      87.49    1.13    0.258    
## `sex:map`     121.92      81.71    1.49    0.137    
## `sex:tc`      -37.72     716.68   -0.05    0.958    
## `sex:ldl`      81.11     563.40    0.14    0.886    
## `sex:hdl`      19.35     336.57    0.06    0.954    
## `sex:tch`     -89.86     236.22   -0.38    0.704    
## `sex:ltg`      -2.25     272.39   -0.01    0.993    
## `sex:glu`      43.18      81.30    0.53    0.596    
## `bmi:map`     101.69      96.77    1.05    0.294    
## `bmi:tc`     -238.61     854.28   -0.28    0.780    
## `bmi:ldl`     195.92     724.22    0.27    0.787    
## `bmi:hdl`      96.67     397.92    0.24    0.808    
## `bmi:tch`     -52.31     252.72   -0.21    0.836    
## `bmi:ltg`     -26.00     324.18   -0.08    0.936    
## `bmi:glu`      32.65     102.26    0.32    0.750    
## `map:tc`     1185.67     840.43    1.41    0.159    
## `map:ldl`    -967.00     710.39   -1.36    0.174    
## `map:hdl`    -494.82     374.48   -1.32    0.187    
## `map:tch`     -34.65     229.94   -0.15    0.880    
## `map:ltg`    -457.15     332.46   -1.38    0.170    
## `map:glu`    -113.81     105.27   -1.08    0.281    
## `tc:ldl`    -5737.11   13018.75   -0.44    0.660    
## `tc:hdl`    -2006.73    4590.82   -0.44    0.662    
## `tc:tch`     -895.17    2215.28   -0.40    0.686    
## `tc:ltg`    -3415.95   13722.65   -0.25    0.804    
## `tc:glu`     -351.44     693.15   -0.51    0.613    
## `ldl:hdl`    1342.35    3709.57    0.36    0.718    
## `ldl:tch`     343.92    1792.65    0.19    0.848    
## `ldl:ltg`    2686.26   11393.93    0.24    0.814    
## `ldl:glu`     139.21     586.20    0.24    0.812    
## `hdl:tch`     278.02    1306.12    0.21    0.832    
## `hdl:ltg`    1059.65    4844.47    0.22    0.827    
## `hdl:glu`     406.32     351.63    1.16    0.249    
## `tch:ltg`     -68.01     754.07   -0.09    0.928    
## `tch:glu`     461.48     270.76    1.70    0.089 .  
## `ltg:glu`     148.10     314.57    0.47    0.638    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 54 on 293 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.61,   Adjusted R-squared:  0.524 
## F-statistic: 7.15 on 64 and 293 DF,  p-value: <2e-16

With ordinary linear regression, we got a root-mean-square-prediction-error of 55.5 (on the test data), compared to a root-mean-square-error of 49.02 for the training data.

This suggests there’s some overfitting going on.

plot of chunk plot_ols

A sparsifying prior

We have a lot of predictors: 64 of them. A good guess is that only a few are really useful. So, we can put a sparsifying prior on the coefficients, i.e., \(\beta\)s in \[\begin{aligned} y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \cdots \beta_n x_n + \epsilon \end{aligned}\]

Crossvalidation exploration

Who says we don’t do experiments?

  1. Simulate data with y ~ a + b x[1] + c x[2], and fit a linear model.
  2. Measure in-sample and out-of-sample prediction error.
  3. Add spurious variables, and report the above as a function of number of variables.
  1. Simulate data with many, weakly predictive explanatory variables.
  2. Compare different methods for fitting linear models.


plot of chunk in_class

plot of chunk in_class3

Generated quantities

Another approach

For interpretation, we looked at parameter estimates, and relied on strong priors to deal with model nonidentifiability.

A possibly better alternative is to ask for the posterior distribution of the quantities we actually want to know (not the same as the parameters, in this case).

Once more:

Fit, again

##                mean se_mean     sd     2.5%      25%      50%      75%      98% n_eff Rhat
## alpha[1]    7.7e+00 0.00018  0.021  7.7e+00  7.7e+00  7.7e+00     7.72  7.7e+00 13309    1
## alpha[2]    6.7e+00 0.00031  0.035  6.6e+00  6.7e+00  6.7e+00     6.73  6.8e+00 12903    1
## alpha[3]    3.4e+00 0.00164  0.180  3.0e+00  3.3e+00  3.4e+00     3.50  3.7e+00 12168    1
## alpha[4]    5.7e+00 0.00049  0.056  5.6e+00  5.7e+00  5.7e+00     5.76  5.8e+00 12993    1
## alpha[5]    7.3e+00 0.00023  0.026  7.2e+00  7.3e+00  7.3e+00     7.30  7.3e+00 12927    1
## alpha[6]    7.1e+00 0.00024  0.030  7.0e+00  7.0e+00  7.1e+00     7.08  7.1e+00 15034    1
## alpha[7]    6.0e+00 0.00041  0.049  5.9e+00  6.0e+00  6.0e+00     6.06  6.1e+00 14320    1
## alpha[8]    3.9e+00 0.00131  0.144  3.6e+00  3.8e+00  3.9e+00     3.96  4.1e+00 12104    1
## alpha[9]    4.8e+00 0.00078  0.094  4.6e+00  4.7e+00  4.8e+00     4.85  5.0e+00 14465    1
## alpha[10]   7.3e+00 0.00021  0.025  7.3e+00  7.3e+00  7.3e+00     7.37  7.4e+00 14685    1
## alpha[11]   4.5e+00 0.00089  0.105  4.3e+00  4.5e+00  4.5e+00     4.61  4.7e+00 13918    1
## delta[1]   -2.4e+00 0.01434  0.823 -3.9e+00 -2.9e+00 -2.4e+00    -1.88 -7.2e-01  3289    1
## delta[2]   -3.1e+00 0.01574  0.874 -4.8e+00 -3.7e+00 -3.2e+00    -2.57 -1.4e+00  3083    1
## beta1[1]   -2.7e-01 0.01324  0.868 -2.2e+00 -7.6e-01 -2.3e-01     0.26  1.4e+00  4298    1
## beta1[2]    6.3e-01 0.01444  0.863 -1.0e+00  7.3e-02  6.1e-01     1.15  2.3e+00  3573    1
## beta1[3]   -7.5e-01 0.01500  0.930 -2.8e+00 -1.3e+00 -6.6e-01    -0.13  8.9e-01  3847    1
## beta2[1]   -2.4e-01 0.01185  0.651 -1.7e+00 -6.1e-01 -1.9e-01     0.17  9.0e-01  3014    1
## beta2[2]   -3.4e-01 0.01218  0.656 -1.8e+00 -7.0e-01 -2.9e-01     0.08  8.1e-01  2905    1
## beta2[3]   -3.2e-01 0.01284  0.810 -2.2e+00 -7.5e-01 -2.4e-01     0.21  1.1e+00  3984    1
## beta2[4]    3.1e+00 0.01196  0.655  1.6e+00  2.7e+00  3.1e+00     3.49  4.2e+00  2999    1
## beta2[5]   -4.0e-02 0.00710  0.453 -9.3e-01 -3.3e-01 -4.6e-02     0.23  8.8e-01  4074    1
## beta2[6]    3.7e-01 0.00718  0.454 -5.2e-01  7.8e-02  3.6e-01     0.65  1.3e+00  4000    1
## beta2[7]    2.7e-02 0.00719  0.460 -8.7e-01 -2.7e-01  2.0e-02     0.31  9.8e-01  4091    1
## beta2[8]    5.4e-02 0.00729  0.510 -9.5e-01 -2.8e-01  4.4e-02     0.38  1.1e+00  4905    1
## beta2[9]   -6.0e-01 0.00975  0.761 -2.3e+00 -1.0e+00 -5.5e-01    -0.11  7.8e-01  6103    1
## beta2[10]   2.9e-01 0.00853  0.642 -9.6e-01 -1.1e-01  2.7e-01     0.67  1.6e+00  5670    1
## beta2[11]  -3.0e-01 0.00923  0.709 -1.8e+00 -7.1e-01 -2.7e-01     0.15  1.1e+00  5906    1
## gamma[1]    1.7e-01 0.00559  0.326 -4.6e-01 -4.4e-02  1.6e-01     0.38  8.2e-01  3394    1
## gamma[2]    2.1e-01 0.00594  0.366 -5.0e-01 -3.6e-02  2.1e-01     0.45  9.3e-01  3791    1
## gamma[3]   -3.4e+00 0.81222 13.167 -2.0e+01 -2.5e+00 -1.0e+00    -0.19  9.1e-01   263    1
## gamma[4]   -5.9e-01 0.00574  0.313 -1.2e+00 -8.0e-01 -5.9e-01    -0.39  2.5e-02  2986    1
## gamma[5]    3.3e-03 0.00589  0.315 -6.3e-01 -2.0e-01  5.5e-03     0.21  6.2e-01  2863    1
## gamma[6]   -6.6e-02 0.00562  0.315 -6.8e-01 -2.7e-01 -6.2e-02     0.14  5.6e-01  3142    1
## gamma[7]   -3.5e-01 0.00608  0.362 -1.1e+00 -5.8e-01 -3.4e-01    -0.11  3.7e-01  3544    1
## gamma[8]    8.2e-02 0.00617  0.523 -9.8e-01 -2.5e-01  8.3e-02     0.42  1.1e+00  7190    1
## gamma[9]    1.0e+00 0.00884  0.746 -3.0e-01  4.9e-01  9.7e-01     1.50  2.6e+00  7108    1
## gamma[10]   1.3e-01 0.00557  0.333 -5.3e-01 -8.5e-02  1.3e-01     0.35  7.9e-01  3564    1
## gamma[11]   8.1e-02 0.00767  0.737 -1.5e+00 -3.5e-01  9.6e-02     0.53  1.5e+00  9232    1
## mean_n[1]   2.2e+03 0.39863 46.158  2.1e+03  2.2e+03  2.2e+03  2243.36  2.3e+03 13408    1
## mean_n[2]   8.2e+02 0.25208 28.586  7.6e+02  8.0e+02  8.2e+02   838.79  8.8e+02 12860    1
## mean_n[3]   3.0e+01 0.04700  5.296  2.0e+01  2.6e+01  2.9e+01    32.99  4.1e+01 12696    1
## mean_n[4]   3.1e+02 0.15054 17.159  2.8e+02  3.0e+02  3.1e+02   318.77  3.4e+02 12992    1
## mean_n[5]   1.5e+03 0.33894 38.544  1.4e+03  1.4e+03  1.5e+03  1487.50  1.5e+03 12932    1
## mean_n[6]   1.2e+03 0.27969 34.292  1.1e+03  1.1e+03  1.2e+03  1184.72  1.2e+03 15033    1
## mean_n[7]   4.2e+02 0.17141 20.503  3.8e+02  4.0e+02  4.2e+02   430.50  4.6e+02 14307    1
## mean_n[8]   4.8e+01 0.06202  6.861  3.5e+01  4.3e+01  4.8e+01    52.29  6.3e+01 12238    1
## mean_n[9]   1.2e+02 0.09305 11.239  9.9e+01  1.1e+02  1.2e+02   127.70  1.4e+02 14586    1
## mean_n[10]  1.6e+03 0.32333 39.268  1.5e+03  1.5e+03  1.6e+03  1581.86  1.6e+03 14749    1
## mean_n[11]  9.4e+01 0.08323  9.813  7.5e+01  8.7e+01  9.3e+01   100.05  1.1e+02 13902    1
## mean_u[1]   1.2e+02 0.12045 10.916  1.0e+02  1.1e+02  1.2e+02   129.73  1.4e+02  8213    1
## mean_u[2]   4.2e+01 0.06421  6.294  3.0e+01  3.7e+01  4.1e+01    45.58  5.5e+01  9609    1
## mean_u[3]   1.8e+00 0.01137  1.140  3.5e-01  1.0e+00  1.6e+00     2.37  4.8e+00 10046    1
## mean_u[4]   4.7e+02 0.24258 21.662  4.2e+02  4.5e+02  4.7e+02   481.20  5.1e+02  7974    1
## mean_u[5]   2.4e+02 0.16540 15.385  2.1e+02  2.3e+02  2.4e+02   253.46  2.7e+02  8652    1
## mean_u[6]   2.9e+02 0.18951 17.202  2.6e+02  2.8e+02  2.9e+02   303.00  3.3e+02  8240    1
## mean_u[7]   7.4e+01 0.09374  8.617  5.8e+01  6.8e+01  7.4e+01    79.91  9.3e+01  8451    1
## mean_u[8]   9.1e+00 0.02659  2.729  4.6e+00  7.1e+00  8.8e+00    10.69  1.5e+01 10533    1
## mean_u[9]   3.3e+00 0.01622  1.638  8.6e-01  2.1e+00  3.0e+00     4.17  7.1e+00 10199    1
## mean_u[10]  9.1e+01 0.09924  9.352  7.3e+01  8.4e+01  9.1e+01    97.10  1.1e+02  8881    1
## mean_u[11]  3.4e+00 0.01521  1.596  1.1e+00  2.2e+00  3.1e+00     4.20  7.2e+00 11012    1
## mean_d[1]   7.0e+01 0.09005  8.221  5.5e+01  6.4e+01  6.9e+01    74.99  8.7e+01  8334    1
## mean_d[2]   2.5e+01 0.04858  4.856  1.6e+01  2.1e+01  2.4e+01    27.76  3.5e+01  9993    1
## mean_d[3]   4.2e-01 0.00674  0.513  1.2e-09  5.8e-02  2.5e-01     0.59  1.8e+00  5798    1
## mean_d[4]   1.2e+02 0.11886 11.129  1.0e+02  1.2e+02  1.2e+02   131.18  1.5e+02  8768    1
## mean_d[5]   1.2e+02 0.11893 10.633  9.7e+01  1.1e+02  1.2e+02   124.10  1.4e+02  7993    1
## mean_d[6]   1.3e+02 0.12655 11.451  1.1e+02  1.2e+02  1.3e+02   138.60  1.5e+02  8188    1
## mean_d[7]   2.6e+01 0.05149  4.985  1.7e+01  2.2e+01  2.5e+01    28.71  3.6e+01  9374    1
## mean_d[8]   4.9e+00 0.02044  2.046  1.8e+00  3.4e+00  4.6e+00     6.05  9.8e+00 10021    1
## mean_d[9]   4.3e+00 0.02097  1.991  1.4e+00  2.8e+00  4.0e+00     5.36  9.1e+00  9009    1
## mean_d[10]  5.0e+01 0.07244  6.974  3.7e+01  4.5e+01  5.0e+01    54.42  6.4e+01  9267    1
## mean_d[11]  1.9e+00 0.01164  1.178  3.6e-01  1.1e+00  1.7e+00     2.49  4.9e+00 10244    1
## lp__        5.8e+04 0.10390  4.800  5.8e+04  5.8e+04  5.8e+04 58072.58  5.8e+04  2134    1

What do we want to know?

Let \(\mu^N_i = \exp(\lambda^N_i)\) and \(\mu^N = \sum_i \mu^N_i\).

Is term \(i\) overrepresented among differentially regulated genes? \[\begin{aligned} \frac{ (\mu^U_i + \mu^D_i) / (\mu^U + \mu^D) } { \mu^N_i / \mu^N } \end{aligned}\]

Is term \(i\) more up- than down-regulated? \[\begin{aligned} \frac{ \mu^U_i / \mu^U } { \mu^D_i / \mu^D } \end{aligned}\]

Posterior distributions: GO term enrichments

Posterior distributions: GO term enrichments

log scale