This is the panTHERIA dataset, downloaded from the Ecological Archives, which is
… a global species-level data set of key life-history, ecological and geographical traits of all known extant and recently extinct mammals (PanTHERIA) developed for a number of macroecological and macroevolutionary research projects.
Code to read in the data and assign levels in columns appropriately is provided in the file read_pantheria.R, which you can use as follows. If you are working in this directory (e.g., from the github repository) then you can just run:
read_pantheria(".") pantheria <-
If you need to download the files, then you can do this in R by first running:
url <-for (x in c("PanTHERIA_WR05_mammals.txt", "read_pantheria.R")) {
download.file(paste0(url, x), x)
and then running the code above.